И снова написался. Хотя сколько вдохновение не шло. А тут за час, представляете, 11 четверостишек. Стоило ей просто написать.. Anyways,it's —
It feels so inappropriate
To have a walk with you
When you've had plenty of it
N' even more with your boyfriend
I feel so inappropriate
Cuz passed three years already,
And even school is ended
But Im still over you
My favorite sticker is a kiss
I ain't giving sense
But sending to you, babe
Seems too intimate
Maybe my thoughts are true
That youre just a zest
When my sight first catch you
And pick out from the rest
Or maybe I'm too stupid
To distinguish the feelings
Of if im simply bored
Or truly feeling things
Well in romance called
Butterflies in stomach
But I feel just pain
And brain going insane
But nothing making sense
When there is no lil place
For me with you surely
While you're over boyfie
I don't mean to be mean
I don't want to mean
That i am hoping for a fate
Cuz it's inappropriate
So let's have a walk
Just to breath the air
Not the scent of smoke
I'd let off on your hair
And then at your lips
Well I'm going far
With my fantasies
So silly and bizarre
So I'll lessen the fiction
And try to get remade
Though it's not mine concern
It's the silly world —
So inappropriate..